22 April 2024 | 3 min.

a.s.r. real assets investment partners strengthens the Global Real Estate Engagement Network

As of today, a.s.r real assets investment partners will become a participant in the Global Real Estate Engagement Network (GREEN). a.s.r. real assets investment partners is managing more than 10 billion worth of assets, divided among more than 50 real estate funds, and therefore represents an important reinforcement for GREEN in the field of non-listed real estate. As an engaging member, a.s.r. real assets investment partners will enter into a dialogue with a large number of fund managers. In this way, members of GREEN are working together to improve the Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) performance of real estate funds.  

Luc Joosten, Managing Director of a.s.r. real assets investment partners, says: “We are convinced that we will have a greater influence as a result of this partnership and can enter into a dialogue with fund managers even more effectively. We are happy to deploy the active engagement that we already perform for our own customers for all participants in GREEN.”

Vincent van Bijleveld, Managing Director of GREEN explains: “Since our formation with a number of medium-sized Dutch pension funds, we have grown to become a truly global network in the past two and a half years. I am delighted that a.s.r. real assets investment partners is joining GREEN. As well as increasing our scale and influence, this gives us another new member with a great deal of knowledge and expertise in the field of sustainability and real estate.”

GREEN is a non-profit engagement network of global institutional investors in the real estate sector. The objective of the network is to ensure that the industry attains the objectives of the Paris Agreement in relation to climate change. Through the power of the coalition, the institutional investors aim to steer real estate companies to improve their sustainability performance and reduce their exposure to financial and non-financial climate risks. At present, the network is focusing on listed and non-listed real estate companies.

GREEN currently represents assets under management of approximately € 3 trillion, representing both asset managers and asset owners.

a.s.r. real assets investment partners
For more than 20 years now, a.s.r. real assets investment partners has acted on behalf of pension funds, insurers, charities and family offices in the determination of strategy for, and the selection, management and monitoring of global investments in real assets such as real estate and infrastructure. We are part of a.s.r, one of the largest and most sustainable listed insurers in the Netherlands.